He flooded my heart with verses to expound on this thought. Here are a few...
"I will make a way in the wilderness and the rivers in the desert."
- Isaiah 43:19
"For God so loved the world that He gave his only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
- John 3:16
"Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night the Lord drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land. The waters were divided, and the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left."
- Exodus 14:21-22
You might remember that our adoption journey first started with a friend who said "Do I know anyone willing to cross the ocean for this little one?". She was referring to a photo of a child in China who needed a home.
My immediate thought was, "Isn't that exactly what God would do?"
Hasn't He proven to us over and over again through His word that, yes, He would travel across the ocean for us? Didn't He actually SPLIT the sea in TWO for his people? Didn't He send His ONLY son to die for us?
His wide, long, high and deep love (Eph 3:18) for us says "YES" and makes a way in the wilderness and rivers in the deserts.
Somewhere along the way in our adoption journey to bring Beau home, we had a drastic persepctive change. Instead of US adopting, GOD was providing a home for a child. Instead of US fundraising, GOD was relocating His resources to provide for a child. Our thoughts moved from us, us, us to instead watching GOD!
So while we are not far enough away from the last process to have forgotten just how hard it was. We move forward looking at the hurdles ahead of us, knowing that the battle belongs to the Lord (cue the Phil Wickam song)! So when the enemy wants me to worry about the fundraising, paperwork and emotional toll we're about to face, I'm choosing instead to remind myself that...
- God is the owner of ALL the world's resources and he can use them as he sees fit.
(Ps 50:10)
- God is able to do more than I can even imagine. (Eph 3:20)
- We are hemmed in! He goes before and behind us. (Ps 139:5)
All of the craziness of the process is so, SO worth it and miniscule in light of the blessing God has given us in Beau. He is beyond worthy of all the paperwork, finger prints, and essay questions required. We love him with our whole hearts and simply can't fathom that God chose us to be his parents. We also struggle with the idea that there are still 140 MILLION orphans in the world today. Kids just like Beau who need a home. How could we not say yes again?!
There are many unique things about what it means to be a single mother in South Korea. These facts have broken our hearts are part of the reason we are so hitched to the SK wagon! Soooo.... our mantra of sorts for this adoption is 'Love Makes a Way' and we are excited to see how God will make a way for another child to have a home. His love for us is our provision and our love for Him makes us step out into obedient faith.
I'm hoping that these shirts will help serve as a visual reminder to my heart on hard days! How is the Lord using that phrase to speak to you?
Love you guys! Thank you somuch for your support on another adoption journey!
- Nat
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